
Welcome to Iloilo National High School

Secondary School

Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City, Iloilo City, Philippines, 5000


Smart Schools in Entrepreneurship (SSE) is now Special Program in Business and Entrepreneurship (SPBE)

SPBE is a blended entrepreneurship class that follows the DepEd curriculum for Junior High School with eight core learning areas as specified in DepEd Order No.21,s. 2019. It is enhanced by the addition of two (2) specialized subjects on Entrepreneurship and balanced by the learner's presence in school during Science Laboratory and Technology and Livelihood Laboratory works. Learners socialize with their fellow learners during the scheduled MAPEH classes. SPBE is envisioned to be the breeding center of dynamic and young entrepreneurs who develop innovative projects through collaboration in order to provide job opportunities that promote greater economic growth and sustainable nation-building.

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